4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups

My Bible was beginning to literally fall apart so I took a trip to my local Christian Bookstore. I was in the store about 5 minutes before I suddenly realized I didn’t belong. I felt like I accidently time-warped into a Bath and Body Works that smelled like cinnamon, and everything was pink, and sold “trinkets”. What man buys “trinkets”? In fact, the only people in the store were a group of older women waiting in line to use the bathroom. I took a few minutes to look through the Bibles before I realized that almost every single one was ...

Ending a Group Well

I remember the last night of the group. It was relatively the same group that had started together a year and a half before. I had led the group for a year and someone else had taken over for the following 6 months. The group had been through a lot over that year- laughing, crying, an adoption, new babies, good times, and tough conversations. I had personally baptized 5 of them. But, there we were, saying goodbye. There was some frustration, but overall, I think everyone knew it was time to move on. Ending a group is never easy! But, ...

By |April 24, 2014|Categories: blog, church, Groups, Leadership, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Ending a Group Well

“Christianese”: Not Suitable for Small Group

Every group tends to have their own terms and language that only "insiders" understand. For proof, here's a link to 31 military phrases only people in the military will understand. Or 22 phrases that only wall streeters will understand.  Christians are no different. I grew up around church and church people and it wasn't until I was in college that I realized half the things Christians talk about make no sense to people who aren't Christian. (In reality, half the things Christians say don't even make sense to themselves.) "Christianese": N. 1. Any word or phrase you use to sound ...

Over 70 Game Ideas for Small Group (FREE DOWNLOAD)

Download over 70 ideas for small group games for free here--> Small Group Games If you want to develop a small group that likes each other and feels comfortable sharing during discussion- you have to take time to play games. It’s nerve-wracking to walk into a strange person’s house for the first time.  You’re hoping they're not a bunch of weirdos. The best way to “break the ice” is with a game of some sort. It doesn’t have to be complicated. For the first few weeks, in addition to a game I’ll have everyone go around and say their name and ...

By |March 20, 2014|Categories: blog, church, Groups, Small Group|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments

Beware Chocolate Bunny Syndrome

It’s always great around Easter to get a chocolate bunny. But, over the years, I’ve learned to temper my excitement until I better examine the bunny. Some are made of pure chocolate and I’m joyfully forced to figure out how to consume so much chocolate. But, other chocolate bunnies hold a dark secret. They may look as amazing as other bunnies, but inside- they’re hollow! Picking up these bunnies I feel like I’ve been tricked or hoodwinked into hoping for a high quality chocolate bunny. Instead, I’m holding a hollow Easter imposter. As a leader, I think there’s a lot ...

How the Grinch Stole Small Group

In the story, How the Grinch Stole Christmas, the Grinch believes the true meaning of Christmas is presents. Believing this, he steals all the Christmas presents from the unsuspecting Whos in Whoville to stop Christmas from coming. But, Christmas morning he finds all the whos singining their hearts out and realizes that Christmas had nothing to do with presents- it meant so much more. Like the Grinch, I’m coming to realize that small groups mean so much more than what I thought they meant. You see, this spring semester we’ve had a few groups who haven’t had as many people ...

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