An Equation to Determine Group Health

Below are some numbers you can use after people sign up for your group to determine if you have enough people. (You may not know the people who signed up for your group, but may be able to work with your group coach or staff to see if others may know them.)   Here's an equation you can use to calculate your potential group health. (Include yourself) For each committed couple you have in your group give yourself: 3 points For each committed individual (not couple) you have in your group, give yourself: 2 points For each non-committed couple you have in your group ...

By |October 15, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on An Equation to Determine Group Health

First Night of Group, Part 2: Lesson and Prayer

On your first night of small group, your lesson is very important. This is your one chance to set a tone for your group for the rest of the semester or year! So, I want to share a possible template to use for your lesson for the first night of group.  Lesson: Welcome everyone to group. Explain group big picture. I hope this will be a safe place. I hope we’ll grow together. Everyone comes into group with different backgrounds. It’s ok to ask questions and not have the answers. Ask if anyone’s been in a group before, and if so, ...

By |September 4, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, Leadership, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on First Night of Group, Part 2: Lesson and Prayer

First Night of Group, Part 1: The Template

Your first night of small group will always be a little different. People are meeting each other for the first time and wondering if they'll like each other, and what to expect from the group. It's important to know that your first night of group will set the tone for what your group will be like, so you need to have a plan.  Here’s a template of what a typical first night of group should look like. With Dinner: 1. Dinner (30 minutes) 2. Icebreaker Game (15 minutes) 3. Lesson (45 minutes) 4. Prayer (15 minutes) Total: 1:45 Without Dinner: 1. ...

By |September 2, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, Leadership, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on First Night of Group, Part 1: The Template

Be The Fun You Want to Have

My boys helped me pass out fliers a few weeks ago, inviting people to our house for a cookout. Together we would walk up to someone’s door and knock. When they answered, my older son would say, “We’re having a get together at our house this Sunday,” and my younger son would finish, “…and you're invited,” then hand them a flier. I would follow up with a quick affirmation that what my kids said was true. My kids had a blast! But, there was one house on the corner near us whose owner answered our invite in the strangest way ...

Seven Ideas for Your Group to Serve This Summer

In Cleveland, people tend to hibernate during the winter. Every year there’s one spring day where that “bright orb in the sky” reappears and myself and all the neighbors wander outside, stretching and yawning. We greet each other like long lost friends and ask how the last few months have been. But, as it continues to warm up, people want to spend more and more time outside and become active. That means it’s a great time for your group to be active too. Spring and summer are excellent times to encourage your group to serve. (If your group doesn’t meet ...

The Secret to Gathering a Group (to do anything)

You’re standing in front of the movie theater, waiting for people to show up- and the movie starts in 5 minutes. You begin to panic- what if no one shows up? What if only that one “somewhat weird” person shows up and it’s just the two of you? You think back through your invites- you sent out some e-mails and invited a few people at church. A few told you it sounded like fun and they’d try to make it. But, there you are- waiting. You’re about to give up and go home and then… guy shows up. On a ...

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