Why We Go to Church

Why We Go to Church My three year old son is in the asking why phase of childhood. Whether it's asking him to eat lunch, turn off the t.v., or go potty his response to every given order is, "But, why?". This past Sunday morning, after explaining to him why he needed to get dressed and why he needed to eat breakfast, I informed him we were going to church. His immediate response was to ask why. I paused and pondered how I would respond to my inquisitive three year old. In that moment it was like my whole spiritual life flashed before my eyes. ...

By |September 15, 2016|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Why We Go to Church

The Weird Dreams We Have: David and the Angry Terrier

Weird Dreams: I have this weird dream I’d like to confess. I love dogs and after having to give away our dog a few years ago, I’d eventually love to own another. But, because of all the downsides of dog ownership, like actually having to care for the dog, I’m not pushing to purchase one anytime soon. But, I have this dream. I’m pulling in my driveway and a dog randomly walks up to me, kind of like God is specifically sending me a dog. I take it home and it turns out to be the best dog ever! It ...

By |May 3, 2016|Categories: blog, discipleship, humor, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on The Weird Dreams We Have: David and the Angry Terrier

Attending Church for the First Time Can Be Scary

 The First Day Remember your first day at the new school growing up- what it was like knowing no one? Remember being dropped off at camp, as you balanced trying to be cool saying good-bye to your parents, but terrified to see them leave? Remember your first practice with the new team, dance group, or club? It’s so easy to forget how scary it is to do something new. Once we feel a part of a community or group, it’s hard to remember what it was like to not feel that connection. Cognitive Psychologists coined the phrase, curse of knowledge ...

By |February 9, 2016|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Attending Church for the First Time Can Be Scary

The Best Part of Leading a Group

I remember this past fall, peering around the room at my new small group. I wondered how well this group was going to go. Yes, I’d been through this many times before, but sometimes you wonder if this is the group that just won’t click. Connection was slow the first few weeks, but people consistently came. Everything was fine but not necessarily great. That is, until the night we began to talk about family. As I asked a question about how our family has influenced who we are today, one of my group members took a deep breath and said ...

Is It Possible to Do Good?

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a truly selfless thing in my life. I’ve served in Haiti, helped the homeless, visited the sick, taken out the trash without being asked, and yes, even helped a little old lady cross the street. (I’m not 100% I’ve done that last one- but you get the idea.) I find that every time I attempt to make some significant stride for God, I’m conflicted. There’s a part of me wanting to serve because I want to see great things done for God. But, there’s another part wanting to serve because it’ll make me feel ...

By |November 15, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Service, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is It Possible to Do Good?

Group Stressors: Food

Something special happens when people eat together. You relax and sometimes laugh. It gives your group something common to talk about so you can say things like, “Man, this is good, how’d you make this?” If nothing else, it gives you a way to hide awkward conversational silence. But, there’s no way around it, having dinner at small group is stressful! I think it’s most helpful to remember that there are no rules a group has to follow when it comes to eating. It is helpful to offer something. People will relax and open up easier as a group if they’re ...

Be The Fun You Want to Have

My boys helped me pass out fliers a few weeks ago, inviting people to our house for a cookout. Together we would walk up to someone’s door and knock. When they answered, my older son would say, “We’re having a get together at our house this Sunday,” and my younger son would finish, “…and you're invited,” then hand them a flier. I would follow up with a quick affirmation that what my kids said was true. My kids had a blast! But, there was one house on the corner near us whose owner answered our invite in the strangest way ...

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