What Your Church Sign Says About You

About a month ago my family was on vacation in a small town in Michigan. Wherever we go I tend to notice churches and predict it's personality from what I see on the outside. So, as we drove through this quaint town, I couldn't help but notice 3 church signs and so thought I'd discuss what a church sign is potentially saying.  Sign #1: This Church is Prayer Conditioned I appreciate the use of attempted humor in this sign, but question its intended purpose. I can't help but wonder to whom this sign is directed and why. Is it the non-Christian looking ...

By |September 23, 2016|Categories: blog, church|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Your Church Sign Says About You

4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups

My Bible was beginning to literally fall apart so I took a trip to my local Christian Bookstore. I was in the store about 5 minutes before I suddenly realized I didn’t belong. I felt like I accidently time-warped into a Bath and Body Works that smelled like cinnamon, and everything was pink, and sold “trinkets”. What man buys “trinkets”? In fact, the only people in the store were a group of older women waiting in line to use the bathroom. I took a few minutes to look through the Bibles before I realized that almost every single one was ...

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