How Wins Build Momentum


If you lead a team, of any sort, winning is important! Last week we talked about how to determine what it looks like for your team to win. Now, let’s talk about building wins! Wins are the fuel that keep your group going and your people excited. Wins build momentum like a wave as it heads toward shore. As your team wins, it will build excitement and buy-in from the people on your team. They’ll then be willing to give more and invest more, because they know it’s worth it and it matters.

But, the question is, once you know you’re winning, how do you use your wins to create that kind of powerful momentum?

1.Know your Win!

You can not win if you don’t know what it means for your team to win? You first need to determine what it looks like for your team to win. If you need help, check out this blog post.

2.Create a Spark!

We have a tendency to live our lives on auto-pilot. We have the same meals for dinner, visit the same restaurants, wear the same style of clothes, and watch the same t.v. shows. But, have you ever noticed when you do something different, something you wouldn’t normally do, it add excitement to your life? It’s like a breath of fresh air. It helps you feel alive. Your team needs that too! Here are a few ideas you can use to spice up your team:

  • Change the location of your team meeting
  • Make a memory as a team, do something silly like karaoke
  • There are two ways to make a memory- make people cry or laugh- try to find ways to laugh together as a team
  • Start a competition for your team
  • Set a team goal
  • Set a special day, like dressing up, ugly sweater day
  • Change up your normal team routine

Any of these team ideas will give your team a spark and add some excitement. This will in turn build momentum and help your team feel like its winning.

3.Celebrate your Wins!

The uncelebrated win, is not really a win at all. If a professional baseball player hit a home run and the crowd and his teammates sat silent, hardly paying attention at all- that wouldn’t feel so much like a win. As you create sparks and help your team find ways to win, you have to tell them they’re winning. Write them a note to thank them for serving. Give them a shout-out on Facebook. Find something to encourage.

I’ve been coach soccer for a few years now, and if, in a game I see a player do something good, I try to give them immediate feedback. I’ll yell, “Jack, the way you passed that ball right there- that was very smart,” or “Joe, you’re playing your position well right now- great job!” Immediate feedback helps people know they’re doing the right thing and doing a good job. If you want to create a winning team, find a way to create a spark, and then celebrate your wins!


We all want our teams to win. If your team is stuck right now or is in a funk in any way, think about winning. Choose one way to set a spark, and then as you celebrate your wins, watch as your team comes to life.