What is Thorne Inc.?….from my weird family to yours: part 2

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What is Thorne Inc.? 

Thorne Inc. is an imaginary company based around the everyday happenings of my family. As I write about leading my family, it gives me a place to apply leadership principles I’m learning in my leadership master’s degree and also an outlet for humor. You can read more why I created Thorne Inc. and catch the first few humorous posts in Thorne Inc. HEREI’ll share posts related to Thorne Inc. every once in a while here on my blog.

I primarily post about Thorne Inc. on the Thorne Inc. Facebook page. If you’d like to keep up to date with posts, click HERE and like the Facebook page.

Snoozing on the job

Thorne Inc. 6

It happens 

Thorne Inc. 7

Exercise program

Thorne Inc. 8a

Thorne Inc. 8b


Employee of the month

Thorne Inc. 9

Preview of the next Thorne Inc.’s next post. 

Make sure to like Thorne Inc.’s Facebook page because it’s the only place every Thorne Inc. post will be shared. 

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Thanks for reading. Being the father of three boys constantly gives me things to write about, so stay tuned for more.