Tools to Grow Over the Summer

Summer is a funny time. School ends for children and there’s something in the American psyche  that says, “Vacation.” Summer may be a great time for vacation, but as a leader, it’s also a great time to grow.

Summer’s probably a great time to give the people you lead a little space. It’s not the time of year you’ll be pushing hard and casting vision. So, take some time over the next two months to develop yourself personally.

I thought I’d share a few tools you can use to grow.

1. Podcasts

There are all sorts of Podcasts out there ready to help you grow as a leader. Here’s a few of my favorites.

Andy Stanley Leadership Podcast

John Eldridge and Ransomed Heart Ministries

The EntreLeadership Podcast

This is Your Life With Michael Hyatt

2. Books

Ordering Your Private World by Gordan McDonald
I recently read this book and think it should be essential for any leader trying to survive and thrive in our fast-paced, results-oriented society.

Gifted to Lead by Nancy Beach
A gifted leader in our church named Vanessa shared how this book has greatly encouraged her as a leader and as a women in the church.

Developing the Leader within You by John Maxwell
This now-classic book will help you build your personal leadership foundation.

Spiritual Leadership by J. Oswald Sanders
This is one of those books I end up rereading at least once a year. It’s short and it’s amazing! You’ll read one paragraph and feel challenged for the rest of the day.

Do you have a book, blog, or podcast you love that helps you grow as a leader? Please comment and share. 

Whatever helps you to grow, make sure to take some time this summer to become a better leader.