The Most Awkward Text I Ever Received

Technology can be a wonderful thing. But, it can also be dangerous. A little over a year ago I received the most awkward text of my entire life. I thought I’d share my story in hopes of protecting you from suffering a similar experience.

We were a few weeks away from my youngest brother’s wedding in Omaha, Nebraska. The extended Thorne family is a fairly close-knit group and texts were flying a mile a minute as the wedding approached. Soon, a large family group text began, filled with cousins, aunts, uncles, and my brothers and me.

On July 2nd my cousin Leah sent a family text informing us that her grandmother had passed away. Little did I know what was about to happen. Looking back you wonder if there was any sign you missed, or any way you could have stopped it. Unfortunately, the answer is no.IMG_5566 (1)
A few of the many on the familly text began consoling my cousin on the loss. (You can see my response in green.)  IMG_5567
And then, with no warning, or explanation, it happened. My mom responded to the group text with her own consolation, but then followed it up with another text: 


My mom’s second text was obviously meant to go to her boyfriend and not the entire extended family. Although I love my mom and her boyfriend a lot, this is NOT  the kind of text you want to receive- EVER

My cousins thought it was absolutely hilarious that my brothers and I received this text. We each responded in our own special way. Thorne Boy Responses 2
Having now had time to think about it, here might have been a better response:

Running Muppetor Star Wars no

My mom was a pretty good sport about the whole thing, here’s a pic she sent: IMG_5573

And regardless of what we talked about over the next week, it kept coming up:


The moral of the story is this, if you are sending a text to your man/woman and their hot Italian lips:

  1. Put on your reading glasses before texting
  2. Check the recipient of your text before sending
  3. When describing your lover’s lips, there is never a need to comment on their plumpness, temperature, or nationality 
  4. Never use the word juicy in a text- just don’t
  5. If you have enough time write the word “ITALIAN” in all caps, you also have enough time to double check the recipient
  6. Did I mention triple checking the recipient of your text

Once I got over over the hours of counseling, nightmares, and aversion to anything Italian, I have to admit it’s kind of funny. I do want to thank my mom and her boyfriend for her honest mistake. She gave our family, and now the world, a chance to laugh. I wish her and her hot, Italian lip man, many years of happiness together. 

Thorne Boys Attack