Finally! Deep-Fried Twinkies at Walmart

If you consider yourself a person who enjoys eating desserts, but also have a considerable fear of living too long, Walmart now has the treat for you.   Deep Fried Twinkies. Hostess has taken their famous dessert with enough preservatives in it to survive a nuclear apocalypse, while being passed down to your grandchildren and still be considered "fresh" and "edible". And with this marvel of the snack world, delicately holding together all that is and isn't "food", they decided to fry it, and then sell it to the general public in the frozen food section of Walmart. If you've been wondering if you've ...

By |September 8, 2016|Categories: blog, humor|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

The Miracles and Mysteries of Costco

On the History of Costco Many years ago, a young man named Jim Costco, who often went only by Costco,  had a lot of fear. He was afraid of spiders and snakes and for some reason, people with the last name Jones. But, most of all, Costco was scared of the end of the world. This fear led him to spend a lot of time in his custom made underground bunker. To keep his bunker sufficiently stocked, he would make numerous trips to the grocery store every week. But, one morning on his regular, mid-week trip to the store, everything changed. As he ...

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