Understanding Volunteer Expectations

Understanding Volunteer Expectations When serving as a volunteer, have you ever said to yourself, "Oh no, what did I get myself into?" If so, you're not alone. Understanding volunteer exceptions is very important in order to retain volunteers during the on boarding process. In a 2016 research study Walker, Accadia, and Casta found that something called psychological contract breach is a contributing factor to volunteers quitting. The theory behind psychological contract breach believes that people form expectations (either stated or unstated) about how an organization will treat them in a certain role. When these expectations are not met, it's called ...

By |December 23, 2017|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Understanding Volunteer Expectations

4 Things Volunteers Wish Leaders Knew: Pt. 2

4 Things Volunteers Wish Leaders Knew: Pt. 2 As a leader it's so easy to forget what it's like to be at the bottom. Over the years I've often found myself in place of leadership, but recently I've spent more time serving our local soccer club and am starting from the ground up. This opportunity is giving me a refreshing reminder of what it's like to have no idea what's going on- on a weekly basis. So, I'm sharing 4 things volunteers wish leaders know. Last week I shared the first 2, which are: 1. I don't care as much ...

4 Things Volunteers Wish Leaders Knew: Pt. 1

4 Things Volunteers Wish Leaders Knew A few years ago I read about an army general upset over his troop’s lack of energy and motivation. A quick investigation pinpointed troop exhaustion as the culprit. The general felt troop’s poor time management led to their lack of sleep, so refused to budge the schedule. Then, one brave soldier asked the general when he found time to sleep. The general explained he often caught a quick catnap while being driven around the base. It was explained to him that no other troop shared that privilege and so did not have the same ...

By |August 20, 2016|Categories: blog, Leadership, Service|Tags: , , |3 Comments

Thank You Volunteers

I had a meeting with some leaders at Velocity the other night. It was so amazing to hear leaders and volunteers brainstorm how to make Velocity amazing! It makes me think about all the incredible people who make Velocity a special place to be each Sunday. So, here's to you amazing volunteers, both at Velocity, and everywhere. Thank you for the time you take to create something special. Thank you for investing in something that matters!  What I'm Trying to Say Is... http://i.giphy.com/FihMsmKxNdStq.gif http://i.giphy.com/6tHy8UAbv3zgs.gif http://i.giphy.com/nU704Y2jeFOHm.gif http://youtu.be/oomCIXGzsR0 This Is For You http://i.giphy.com/c6rJJ6NXpLLyg.gif http://i.giphy.com/wTzPSxZBqSove.gif http://i.giphy.com/y8Mz1yj13s3kI.gif What You Do Is Kind of Like This... http://i.giphy.com/mtBL79qUZiYo0.gif Keep ...

By |November 4, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Life, Service, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thank You Volunteers
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