Friedrich Nietzsche Helped Me Believe in Jesus

I remember walking out of a Philosophy class one day during college and feeling like my head was going to explode. Our class had spent the previous hour arguing against the existence of God and the ability to truly know anything at all. It's always an interesting adventure for a Christian to have to argue against the existence of God which I had to do that day and gave the exercise everything I had. After class I walked into the school cafeteria, sat down with some friends and said, "Please tell me that God exists." That happened numerous times that semester ...

An Equation to Determine Group Health

Below are some numbers you can use after people sign up for your group to determine if you have enough people. (You may not know the people who signed up for your group, but may be able to work with your group coach or staff to see if others may know them.)   Here's an equation you can use to calculate your potential group health. (Include yourself) For each committed couple you have in your group give yourself: 3 points For each committed individual (not couple) you have in your group, give yourself: 2 points For each non-committed couple you have in your group ...

By |October 15, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on An Equation to Determine Group Health
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