The Church and the Bachelor Have Something in Common

There was a time, not too long ago, when my wife would find herself drawn into the weekly drama of the Bachelor and the Bachelorette. At first I made fun of her, wondering how in the world any reasonable person could be drawn into such drivel. But I confess, soon even I began to wonder who would receive the coveted rose each week, wining the eventual marriage proposal. We eventually fully broke up with the show, finding the secret was not watching the first episode. Ok, now that I’ve gotten that off my chest, we can move on. I found ...

By |October 16, 2017|Categories: blog, discipleship, Spiritual Growth|Tags: |Comments Off on The Church and the Bachelor Have Something in Common

3 Things I Learned about Church Growth from Church Planting

There’s something amazing and terrifying about planting a church. I remember having trouble sleeping the night before Velocity began- terrified that no one would show up the next morning. I was pleased to find that people did and the church slowly grew. But, as the years wore on and the church became self-sufficient, I remember lead pastor Scott and I revisiting some of the principles that helped the church grow in the beginning. We would say things like, “Remember how desperate and hungry we were in the beginning”? These discussions were used to spur on areas of growth for the ...

By |February 13, 2017|Categories: blog, church, Leadership|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

You’re not a robot: 7 ways to experience God

You are not a robot!  Sometimes we believe the lie that there's only one way to connect with Jesus. We're supposed to love  being around people and music and quiet Bible study. But, the truth is, God didn't create an army of robots- he created individuals; and not one person is like another. That means because of everyone's backgrounds, personality, giftings, and passions, we're all going to relate to and connect with Jesus differently. Understanding these differences are very important as a follower of Jesus and as a group leader. A few years ago, Bill Hybels adapted Gary Thomas’ book ...

“Christianese”: Not Suitable for Small Group

Every group tends to have their own terms and language that only "insiders" understand. For proof, here's a link to 31 military phrases only people in the military will understand. Or 22 phrases that only wall streeters will understand.  Christians are no different. I grew up around church and church people and it wasn't until I was in college that I realized half the things Christians talk about make no sense to people who aren't Christian. (In reality, half the things Christians say don't even make sense to themselves.) "Christianese": N. 1. Any word or phrase you use to sound ...

Beware Chocolate Bunny Syndrome

It’s always great around Easter to get a chocolate bunny. But, over the years, I’ve learned to temper my excitement until I better examine the bunny. Some are made of pure chocolate and I’m joyfully forced to figure out how to consume so much chocolate. But, other chocolate bunnies hold a dark secret. They may look as amazing as other bunnies, but inside- they’re hollow! Picking up these bunnies I feel like I’ve been tricked or hoodwinked into hoping for a high quality chocolate bunny. Instead, I’m holding a hollow Easter imposter. As a leader, I think there’s a lot ...

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