How Dropping Your Phone in the Toilet Makes You Reconsider Priorities

Yesterday, my wife had a great day. We've been working on our health as a family and I bought her a Fitbit. But, where there were rays of sunshine spilling into the windows of her life, there seemed to be a small grey rain cloud following me. My middle son had an indoor soccer tournament on Saturday, so I woke up in the middle of the night thinking about soccer. Having trouble sleeping, I decided to head downstairs to think. So, I grabbed my glasses and phone and went to the bathroom......and promptly dropped my phone in the toilet! I ...

By |March 26, 2017|Categories: blog, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , |1 Comment

Discipleship is _________________?

If you had to answer the question, “What does discipleship look like at your church,” what would you say? What kind of disciple is your church trying to create? Every book/article I’ve read on discipleship recently keeps coming back to this main question. Since our church (Velocity) began 5 years ago I've always thought we answered that question pretty clearly through our mission statement. “Velocity exists to Ignite the Faith that Fuels Your Life to Impact the World.” For the last 5 years we've explained our statement in the following way. We want to help people Ignite their faith for ...

By |July 22, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, Leadership, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Discipleship is _________________?
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