3 Ways Volunteers View Your Project

3 Ways Volunteers View Your Project Volunteers make up the life-blood of any non-profit organization. Although volunteers are essential, it’s important to note: not all volunteers are created equal. Some are great and contribute significantly. Others become like mythical creatures we've heard existed but have never actually seen ourselves. But, leaders can better work with volunteers if we determine what level priority your volunteer is giving your project. Because our time is finite, a volunteer can not give equal time and energy to every project or group they’re engaged in. A volunteer will have to decide if soccer practice or PTA ...

By |August 15, 2016|Categories: blog, Groups, Leadership|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments

Thank You Volunteers

I had a meeting with some leaders at Velocity the other night. It was so amazing to hear leaders and volunteers brainstorm how to make Velocity amazing! It makes me think about all the incredible people who make Velocity a special place to be each Sunday. So, here's to you amazing volunteers, both at Velocity, and everywhere. Thank you for the time you take to create something special. Thank you for investing in something that matters!  What I'm Trying to Say Is... http://i.giphy.com/FihMsmKxNdStq.gif http://i.giphy.com/6tHy8UAbv3zgs.gif http://i.giphy.com/nU704Y2jeFOHm.gif http://youtu.be/oomCIXGzsR0 This Is For You http://i.giphy.com/c6rJJ6NXpLLyg.gif http://i.giphy.com/wTzPSxZBqSove.gif http://i.giphy.com/y8Mz1yj13s3kI.gif What You Do Is Kind of Like This... http://i.giphy.com/mtBL79qUZiYo0.gif Keep ...

By |November 4, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Life, Service, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Thank You Volunteers

Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks?

I worked at Starbucks for almost 3 years and absolutely loved it. I worked in the drive thru and opened most mornings. I would get to the store at 4:15 in the morning and we would open at 5. Our goal at Starbucks was to give each customer a “Legendary” experience. We didn’t want to just be nice or kind to customers, we wanted to connect with each one in a legendary way. This idea meant a lot to me. It’s why I had too much energy every morning at 5:00am when I would greet the customers. It’s why I ...

By |February 16, 2014|Categories: blog, church, Leadership|Tags: , , , |2 Comments
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