The Prayer That Changed My Life Forever

Perspective is a funny thing. In some ways it’s nothing more than meaningless whispers in our mind, calling us to believe something that may or may not be true. But, in other ways it’s the most powerful force we hold, defining who we are and how we act. I never knew how much my perspective on my dad’s death affected me, until the day my perspective changed forever. I remember the night I said goodbye to my father. It was May of my third grade year. My two younger brothers (7 and 2) and I took the elevator up to ...

By |January 28, 2015|Categories: blog, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , |3 Comments

Friedrich Nietzsche Helped Me Believe in Jesus

I remember walking out of a Philosophy class one day during college and feeling like my head was going to explode. Our class had spent the previous hour arguing against the existence of God and the ability to truly know anything at all. It's always an interesting adventure for a Christian to have to argue against the existence of God which I had to do that day and gave the exercise everything I had. After class I walked into the school cafeteria, sat down with some friends and said, "Please tell me that God exists." That happened numerous times that semester ...

7 Simple Questions to Begin a Small Group (with free download)

As we began our yearly preparations for small group to begin about a year ago, I began to feel bad about how many times I had to e-mail our leaders for their group info. It felt like I was bugging our leaders- which I never want to do. Finally, I decided to sit down and figure out all the info I needed so I could ask them in one easy step.  After I received their info, I made a simple excel sheet to find out where there are holes and could easily follow up. As I'm working through this process ...

10 Simple Discipleship Questions

I've been meeting with a few guys recently and so wanted to come up with one good question we could discuss each week. I feel like we've had some amazing discussions thus far, discussing God and sharing our lives. I love that one question gives us freedom to talk about life. It feels natural and not like we're trying to "check questions off a list." Note: I do want to be honest that I just came up with these questions and I'm only a few weeks into using them. But, I thought I'd share my process in case it'll be helpful to ...

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