When Your Counselor Calls You Intense

The Session I've seen a counselor on and off for years and every once in a while something really hits home. My last session was one of those times. My counselor asked, “Have you ever thought about how you come across as intense?” I nervously laughed for a minute, but inside my head it was like the world stopped and my life flashed before my eyes. I was thinking, “OH NO! My counselor thinks I’m intense!” What does it mean when the dude people pay to listen to their intense thoughts for a living, thinks you're intense?! And what does it ...

If My Dad Could See Us Now

My youngest brother got married this past weekend in Omaha, Nebraska. My wife and I had an amazing time (without kids, making it even more awesome) with my aunts, uncles, and cousins. As I sit down and think about my weekend I realize my brother’s wedding signifies the closing of an important chapter for our family, and I find myself emotional. When I was in second grade my dad was diagnosed with Leukemia and near the end of my third grade year he died. In a lot of ways I feel like I’ve spent my life hoping to make my ...

Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 2 (Ministry)

Seriously, when you start thinking about the emotional bank account concept - it changes everything! I’d like to connect the dots and share how understanding this concept can influence a few specific areas of your life- I'll start with ministry. How the Emotional Bank Account Affects Ministry: I would say that almost 80% of my job is asking people to do things. It’s true a lot of the time people are asking me for help to find a way to serve, or signing up for a specific way they’d like to serve. But, if I don’t keep in mind my emotional ...

The Secret to Gathering a Group (to do anything)

You’re standing in front of the movie theater, waiting for people to show up- and the movie starts in 5 minutes. You begin to panic- what if no one shows up? What if only that one “somewhat weird” person shows up and it’s just the two of you? You think back through your invites- you sent out some e-mails and invited a few people at church. A few told you it sounded like fun and they’d try to make it. But, there you are- waiting. You’re about to give up and go home and then…...new guy shows up. On a ...

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