5 Music Videos Every Christian Needs to See

Remember what it was like to feel far from God? I was talking with a friend recently who described feeling like "something" was missing from his life. For some people it's a distant memory while for others it's a daily reality. The truth is, the further we get from the time we felt  far from God, the easier it is to forget what it was like. Every once in a while a song comes out that immediately makes me remember. If you're a Christian, I hope the messages in these 5 songs will help you remember that everyday people are searching for.....something. ...

By |December 5, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth, video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Music Videos Every Christian Needs to See

Friedrich Nietzsche Helped Me Believe in Jesus

I remember walking out of a Philosophy class one day during college and feeling like my head was going to explode. Our class had spent the previous hour arguing against the existence of God and the ability to truly know anything at all. It's always an interesting adventure for a Christian to have to argue against the existence of God which I had to do that day and gave the exercise everything I had. After class I walked into the school cafeteria, sat down with some friends and said, "Please tell me that God exists." That happened numerous times that semester ...

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