Why Can’t Everyone Lead Like You

Law of the Hammer  Have you ever noticed how easy it is to view your leadership style as superior to others? If you lead with your gut and make quick decisions, it’s difficult when others take their time. But, on the other hand if you lean towards facts and figures, it’s frustrating when those around you want to move quickly before having all the pertinent information. We sometimes struggle with those with a different leadership style than our own. There’s a good reason for this.  In the 1960’s, famed Psychologist Abraham Maslov saw a pattern of behavior in humans he ...

By |June 29, 2017|Categories: blog, Leadership|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

Personality Matters in Leading Your Team

Blindspots A few weeks ago I wrote a post about 4 quadrants of our life representing our public persona, secrets, blindspots, and potential. You can read it here. If we want to grow as a leader, we need to attack our blindspots (things everyone knows about us that we don't know about ourselves). One way we can decrease our blindspots is by learning more about ourselves. Earlier this week I asked a group of our leaders to take a simple personality test. It's actually one of the most simple tests out there. You can find it here. Also here's an even more ...

Personality Matters in Small Group

Who you are affects how you lead a group. The better you understand yourself- your personality, preferences, strengths, and weaknesses, the better you’ll be able to help your group thrive. I remember being on a leadership team in college with 3 others students. Two of them talked things out loud- like me. So, we would spend a lot of time in meetings throwing out ideas and brainstorming together. And then there was Bob. He didn’t talk very much and I found I had a hard time trusting him. I felt like he wasn’t contributing and I even accused him of ...

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