I Believe in Leaders Who…

Last week I was meeting with a group of 15 leaders from Velocity and I asked them to finish the sentence, "I believe in leaders who..." I thought I'd share the list of characteristics they came up with. I believe in leaders who... Listen Don't ask people to do things they aren't willing to do themselves (leads by example) Value people on the team Give constructive criticism Help you grow Are Approachable... Kind Patient Reliable Genuine Involved Open to ideas Balanced Courageous Consistent Creative I'm sure there's many more things we could have come up with, but this was our ...

By |June 9, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , |Comments Off on I Believe in Leaders Who…

How Blind Spots and Boogers Can Better Your Leadership

That Song Have you ever heard a song on the radio and then had that song stuck in your head the rest of the day?! You can't shake it, and without warning you begin singing it quietly to yourself out loud. Pretty soon everyone around you has it stuck in their head as it spread like a melodic virus! Something like this happened to me a few week ago, except not with music, but an idea. At our staff meeting one Monday morning, a church planter named Scot shared a personal development tool which divides our life into four quadrants. Ever since ...

By |March 24, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Life|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Setting Spiritual Goals and a Hot Date

Hot Date Last week I sat across from my wife on a hot date at the Cheesecake Factory. We were about to order our favorite foods when she asked what goals we could make for the new year, which I thought was awesome. Every new year is a new chance to become a better person. It was fun to dream about our upcoming year, including 5k’s, inviting more people over, and finding new ways to give. We’re still trying to nail down the specifics, but it was great to get the conversation started. Thinking I’ve ended up thinking a lot ...

By |January 22, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Setting Spiritual Goals and a Hot Date

Video: Kindergarten Faith

How do we develop a passion to grow- in ourselves and our people? Think about the alternative! http://youtu.be/6bIf6QD4GFg

By |June 20, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, humor, Leadership, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth, video|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Video: Kindergarten Faith
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