Five Parenting Values Desperately Needed in Politics

As a parent, I’ve wanted to put politicians and political pundits in time-out many times over the past few months. I watched a video this morning where a popular t.v. pundit whined about how “those people” and “that party” were going to destroy the fabric of our nation. It made me angry but I couldn’t quite figure out why.

By |August 22, 2020|Categories: blog, Parenting|Tags: , |Comments Off on Five Parenting Values Desperately Needed in Politics

Exercise Room Closed Due to Wall Hole at Thorne Inc.

A mysterious wall hole has temporarily impeded exercise at Thorne Inc. Management is currently taking steps to rectify this situation. A recent memo from management addressed mysterious hole situation directly.   The Butt-shaped Hole   Signs had to be put in place during repairs Signs to keep employees off exercise equipment during repairs Thorne Inc. would like thank employees in advance for their cooperation during repairs and ask in the future they keep their butt under control during all exercise.  

By |August 7, 2017|Categories: blog, humor, Parenting|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

The Easter Candy Contract

It's been a good year for employees at Thorne Inc. This Easter employees enjoyed a sizable "Easter bonus". Two Thorne Inc. employees decided they wanted to pool all their candy into one large pile, in order to better benefit from their bounty. Management did not think this was a very good idea. The potential threat of future employee conflict was too great. Soon sides were taken and a peaceful resolution seemed all but impossible. But, then something happened. All parties began etching out the framework of what would soon become known as, "The Easter Candy Contract". The paper went through ...

By |June 18, 2017|Categories: blog, humor, Parenting|Tags: |1 Comment

360 Degree Parenting Leadership Feedback

Greater personal insight leads to better leaders. The better we understand and develop our strengths, while facing and working on our weaknesses, the stronger leader we’ll become. We understand this at work, so many jobs offer a 360 degree feedback loop where peers and subordinates have a chance to rate a co-worker in certain categories. This type of task gives great feedback and insight to any employee. If it works at work, then why not use a 360 degree feedback loop at home with our family to help us become better leaders as parents to our children? So, I made ...

Potential Destruction at Thorne Inc.

Thorne Inc. Thorne Inc. was working through some company destruction recently. You can follow along to find out how it all played out:  An e-mail to the company: What happened here?  In the news: The search for truth    Press Release: oops, an inside job Letter: a personal apology      

By |May 30, 2016|Categories: blog, humor, Parenting|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on Potential Destruction at Thorne Inc.
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