15 Questions Every Person Asks When Joining a Small Group

Signing up for a group for the first time can be intimidating. As group leaders, it's our job to help people feel comfortable attending group for the first time. Here's an idea of what could be going through someone's head after signing up for a group. I just signed up for a group. Oh no, what did I just do? Should I go? Maybe I'll start next week? What about next semester? I've never been in a group before and have no idea what to expect? Everyone's going to know I'm new and I'll probably do something stupid. Why am I ...

By |September 9, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, humor, Leadership, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 15 Questions Every Person Asks When Joining a Small Group

5 Ways to Make Your First Night of Group More Awesome!

In a few weeks, our spring semester of Fuel Groups are about to begin. As soon as people sign up for your group, they begin forming opinions on whether or not they’ll like or fit in with your group. So, I’d like to share 5 ways to make sure people want to come back to your group. Contact people who sign up for your group. Once you sign up for a group, it can be nerve-wracking. What’s the group going to be like? Will I like it? Will people like me? You can help alleviate people’s concerns by calling them. ...

By |January 14, 2014|Categories: blog, Groups|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments
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