How Leading a Team is a Lot Like Cross-Country

I was never very good at cross-country in high school. Any time my picture was taken during a race, I looked like I was passing a kidney stone or had been kicked in the face repeatedly. I may never have won a race, but did learn a thing or two about running one. In any race, you have to pace yourself. You can’t sprint the entire time and must know when to push a little harder and when to rest. It’s the same with leading a great group or team. There’s a time to plant and push and a time to ...

Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 2 (Ministry)

Seriously, when you start thinking about the emotional bank account concept - it changes everything! I’d like to connect the dots and share how understanding this concept can influence a few specific areas of your life- I'll start with ministry. How the Emotional Bank Account Affects Ministry: I would say that almost 80% of my job is asking people to do things. It’s true a lot of the time people are asking me for help to find a way to serve, or signing up for a specific way they’d like to serve. But, if I don’t keep in mind my emotional ...

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