How to Have Hard Conversations- EXTRA POINTERS

No one likes having difficult conversations. I know personally I hate being wrong, while at the same time thinking I'm a little more right than everyone else. That's not a good mix but I'm guessing I'm not the only one. I meet so many people deathly afraid to have difficult conversations. They think it's a war or hold back until they explode. They enter the conversation with clips full of ammo, and then wonder why the other person got hurt. It doesn't have to be this way! I shared two previous posts on the subject. There were a few extra pointers ...

By |June 17, 2016|Categories: blog, Leadership, Life|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on How to Have Hard Conversations- EXTRA POINTERS

How to Have Hard Conversations

It’s happens to everyone. Your friend is always late. You know your co-worker or friend is mad at you. Your spouse never remembers to pick up their clothes or put the lid back on the toothpaste. When these things happen, you are faced with the inevitable decision- do I bring these infractions to their attention, or not? Many times we choose to wait, hoping time alone, will fix the problem. But, it almost never does. A Little Weird I have always struggled when there’s relational disharmony in my life. If I’m mad at someone, or know someone’s mad at me, ...

By |October 24, 2015|Categories: blog, discipleship, Leadership, Life|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

The Marriage Challenge

Maybe you always thought the first marriage was a match made in heaven. You thought Adam and Eve were a picture of perfection in paradise. For a time that may have been true. But then, as they disobeyed God, and sin began to infect everyone and everything- something happened. Adam and Eve had marriage problems. Adam blamed Eve for eating the forbidden fruit. But, when Eve was faced with great temptation, Adam was nowhere to be found. They were selfish, only worrying about themselves in front of God. And as both Adam and Eve listened to voices other than God, their relationship ...

By |October 31, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Marriage Challenge

5 Secrets of the First Year of Marriage

Marriage secret As my wife’s youngest sister is getting married this weekend, it makes me think back to all the things I’ve learned about marriage over the last 10 years. I thought I’d share 5 secrets of marriage no one talks about: 1. They never go away Shortly after my wife and I first go married I have this specific memory of coming home from Starbucks to our one bedroom apartment and there was my loving wife, waiting for me. Because we had recently moved into the area, she was looking for a job and we were still looking for a social life. ...

3 Things Jesus Calls Us To

Thanks to Mike Carlisle for collaborating on this post. God asks His followers to commit completely to following Him and there's only one other type of relationship on earth that can be compared to that level of commitment: marriage. There are 3 things that Jesus calls us to that are similar to the commitment of marriage. (1 and 2 won't make sense until you understand 3.) 1. An Exclusive Relationship: You can't say you love your spouse and have a boyfriend/girlfriend on the side. In your commitment to marriage, your committing to love and pour all your affection into ...

By |July 8, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, Leadership, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3 Things Jesus Calls Us To
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