What Your Church Sign Says About You

About a month ago my family was on vacation in a small town in Michigan. Wherever we go I tend to notice churches and predict it's personality from what I see on the outside. So, as we drove through this quaint town, I couldn't help but notice 3 church signs and so thought I'd discuss what a church sign is potentially saying.  Sign #1: This Church is Prayer Conditioned I appreciate the use of attempted humor in this sign, but question its intended purpose. I can't help but wonder to whom this sign is directed and why. Is it the non-Christian looking ...

By |September 23, 2016|Categories: blog, church|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Your Church Sign Says About You

Why Do People Attend Church for the First Time?

Selling Milkshakes I watched an interesting marketing video from a Harvard professor talking about an essential marketing question, “What is your product selling?” For example, He focused on the milkshake and asked the question, “What is the milkshake selling to the customer?” More than just a frosty dessert, it's "selling" a feeling for the customer. For commuters buying a milkshake on their way to work, they might be buying something to hold and do during their commute. In the afternoon parents might buy a milkshake hoping to pacify their crying child. So, in that case the milkshake is selling peace and ...

By |July 9, 2016|Categories: blog, church|Tags: , , , , |Comments Off on Why Do People Attend Church for the First Time?

The Miracles and Mysteries of Costco

On the History of Costco Many years ago, a young man named Jim Costco, who often went only by Costco,  had a lot of fear. He was afraid of spiders and snakes and for some reason, people with the last name Jones. But, most of all, Costco was scared of the end of the world. This fear led him to spend a lot of time in his custom made underground bunker. To keep his bunker sufficiently stocked, he would make numerous trips to the grocery store every week. But, one morning on his regular, mid-week trip to the store, everything changed. As he ...

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