3 Complications with Looking for Church Volunteer Leadership

Where are the Leaders?  Churches, like most organizations, are always looking for leaders. I recently read an interesting article meant to help church leaders determine whether congregants are leaders or simply doers. Although I agree developing leaders is one of the greatest challenges any organization faces, I disagree with placing people in these two categories. In fact, I believe attempting to distinguish between those worthy to be called leader from those who merely do can actually hurt leadership development in your church or organization. Part of the problem is we set the concept of leader on a high throne and then ...

By |October 24, 2017|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 3 Complications with Looking for Church Volunteer Leadership

3 Essential Leader Types for a Great Team

It Takes a Team There’s something about leadership teams. Whether in cartoons, sports, or in real life, we somehow instinctively get that we need the various gifts and strengths of others to succeed as a leader. It may be easy to understand this need as an essential concept, but it’s a lot harder to think through in real life. In real life we get annoyed that more people don’t think like we do. In real life we are naturally attracted to those who get what needs to be done organizationally in the same way we do. In real life we ...

By |July 24, 2017|Categories: blog, Leadership|Tags: , , , |1 Comment

Why Can’t Everyone Lead Like You

Law of the Hammer  Have you ever noticed how easy it is to view your leadership style as superior to others? If you lead with your gut and make quick decisions, it’s difficult when others take their time. But, on the other hand if you lean towards facts and figures, it’s frustrating when those around you want to move quickly before having all the pertinent information. We sometimes struggle with those with a different leadership style than our own. There’s a good reason for this.  In the 1960’s, famed Psychologist Abraham Maslov saw a pattern of behavior in humans he ...

By |June 29, 2017|Categories: blog, Leadership|Tags: , , , |2 Comments

On Becoming a Parent worth Following: Leadership-Based Parenting

I had spent the entire day quietly studying leadership for my graduate classes, when at 3:45 my solitude was interrupted by my two young sons barreling through the front door. Upon entering, they threw off their hat and coats as if they were on fire, flung their shoes halfway across the room and immediately began grilling me with questions. “What’s for dinner?”, “Can I play with my friend?”, “Can I watch t.v?, “I’m hungry, can I have a snack?”, “No, seriously, what’s for dinner?”, “Can I play video games?” I took a few deep breaths and pleaded for them to ...

By |February 16, 2016|Categories: blog, Leadership, Life, Parenting|Tags: , , |3 Comments

The Most Important Question a Leader Asks

I recently began a management and leadership degree and realized something very important about leading others. I’m working on two classes and both challenge me to grow by answering a critical question, possibly the most important question- Who am I? The better I understand myself as a leader (strengths, weaknesses, personality, leadership style), the better I’ll be able to lead. This idea was reinforced in The Leadership Challenge when the authors ask, “WHO ARE YOU? This is the first question your constituents want you to answer. Finding the answer is where every leadership journey begins” (Kouzes & Posner, 2012, p. ...

free thank you ecards- to thank your volunteers

In order to help thank your volunteers, I found 3 sites you can use to send them thank you ecards. All you have to do is tell them the person's name and e-mail address where you'd like to send the card and they'll do the rest. A little thanks goes a long way.    Here's the best site I found: http://www.kisseo.com/ecard/thank-you This one has more animation: http://ecards.hallmarkcards.com.au/ecards/thank-you This one has a lot of options, including animation: http://www.123greetings.com/thank_you/everyday/

By |November 10, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on free thank you ecards- to thank your volunteers
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