3 Secrets to Gathering a Group

Wondering Who's Coming to Your Meeting When it comes to gathering a group of volunteers- we've all been there. You're sitting at the coffee shop and check your watch one more time while keeping an eye on the door. There's five minutes left before your volunteer team meeting is supposed to begin. You suddenly worry that no one will show up or, possibly even worse, only one person will show up leading to awkward conversation. You look back through your emails and texts finding a few who said "I'll try to make it," and "I should be there," along with ...

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The Secret to Gathering a Group (to do anything)

You’re standing in front of the movie theater, waiting for people to show up- and the movie starts in 5 minutes. You begin to panic- what if no one shows up? What if only that one “somewhat weird” person shows up and it’s just the two of you? You think back through your invites- you sent out some e-mails and invited a few people at church. A few told you it sounded like fun and they’d try to make it. But, there you are- waiting. You’re about to give up and go home and then…...new guy shows up. On a ...

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