Stuff My Kids Say #3

I've continued collecting some of the things my kids say. Kids may drive us crazy sometimes, but there is no question they keep life interesting. For perspective: Caleb- Age 8  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless 1.We want our kids to know they're smart, talented, good-looking and loved. So, at dinner one night I was joking around and said about Jess:  David (to Jess):  You're smart, talented, pretty, loved....and you have the best husband in the world. Caleb: You're not the best husband in the world. You are the 50th best husband. David: What? Who ...

By |November 17, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life, Parenting|Tags: , , , , |10 Comments

The Most Awkward Text I Ever Received

Technology can be a wonderful thing. But, it can also be dangerous. A little over a year ago I received the most awkward text of my entire life. I thought I’d share my story in hopes of protecting you from suffering a similar experience. We were a few weeks away from my youngest brother’s wedding in Omaha, Nebraska. The extended Thorne family is a fairly close-knit group and texts were flying a mile a minute as the wedding approached. Soon, a large family group text began, filled with cousins, aunts, uncles, and my brothers and me. On July 2nd my cousin ...

By |July 23, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life|Tags: , , , |3 Comments

Stuff My Kids Say #2

Over the last while I've continued collecting some of the stuff my kids say. Kids may drive us crazy sometimes, but there is no question they keep life interesting. For perspective: Caleb- Age 7  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless "It's not how they say it, it really is what they say" 1. Quiz: What does Micah call this? Answer: "Basketball Poop!" Every time we see one, he's sure to call out, "Look basketball poop!"   2. We were going to the doctor the other day and Logan was worried about having to get ...

By |July 21, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life, Parenting|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Cavs vs. Warriors Egg Roulette

Derek and I decided to determine who would win the NBA Finals by playing egg roulette. The carton is filled with raw and hard-boiled eggs. You get one point for every hard-boiled egg you crack on your head. First one to 4 wins. Let's Go Cavs!

By |June 9, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Cavs vs. Warriors Egg Roulette

Stuff My Kids Say

Stuff My Kids Say Kids are a lot like salt. Salt can take almost any boring food and make it taste better and more interesting.  When you have kids your day is never boring. Exhausting? Yes. But never boring. Over the last few weeks I've been keeping track of some of the weird things my kids say and I thought I'd share. For perspective: Caleb- Age 7  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless The Weird Things We Say: 1. Dad: "Micah, please take the fork out of your eye." 2. Dad: "Logan, please don't ...

By |April 21, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life|Tags: , , , , , |10 Comments

Manziel: The Quarterback with Average Height

This coming Sunday, Johnny Manziel becomes the starting quarterback of the Cleveland Browns. He's known for a lot of things;  his arm strength, mobility, charisma, and for some reason his height. He's 5'11.5", not quite 6 feet tall.  5'11.5" is not short in any way. The average American male is 5'9.5". But, if he's going to be called "The short quarterback," then I think he should wear that title with honor. Johnny Manziel could stand tall and give a voice to the height-challenged all over the world. If you've ever reached for something and had to ask a friend to ...

By |December 13, 2014|Categories: blog, humor, Life|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Manziel: The Quarterback with Average Height

The Miracles and Mysteries of Costco

On the History of Costco Many years ago, a young man named Jim Costco, who often went only by Costco,  had a lot of fear. He was afraid of spiders and snakes and for some reason, people with the last name Jones. But, most of all, Costco was scared of the end of the world. This fear led him to spend a lot of time in his custom made underground bunker. To keep his bunker sufficiently stocked, he would make numerous trips to the grocery store every week. But, one morning on his regular, mid-week trip to the store, everything changed. As he ...

Video: Classic Jesus Video Parody

What was Jesus like? I've heard it said the biggest job of discipleship is to bring people to Jesus. Then Jesus can do His work in their life. The problem is many people have big misunderstandings about what Jesus was really like. These 4 classic Jesus parody videos play off those misunderstandings. They're meant to poke fun at misperceptions of what Jesus was like and not make fun of him in anyway. What was Jesus really like? How would you describe Him based on the Bible? 

By |July 30, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, humor, Small Group, Spiritual Growth, video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Video: Classic Jesus Video Parody

Video: Kindergarten Faith

How do we develop a passion to grow- in ourselves and our people? Think about the alternative!

By |June 20, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, humor, Leadership, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth, video|Tags: , , |Comments Off on Video: Kindergarten Faith

Video: What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group?

You never know who's going to walk in the door of your small group. Be ready to care for anyone who walks in your door.

By |May 30, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, humor, Small Group, video|Tags: , |3 Comments
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