Things My Kids Say #4

I’ve continued collecting some of the things my kids say. Kids may drive us crazy sometimes, but there is no question they keep life interesting. For perspective: Caleb- Age 10  Logan- Age 7 Micah- Age 4  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless 1. On the roof  Logan, running inside: "Daddy, Caleb needs you." David: "Why" Logan: "Uh....because he's on the roof of the garage." David (only somewhat surprised): "Why is Caleb on the roof"? Logan: "He threw a frisbee on it and now he can't get down." 2. Cleveland Sympathy Caleb after visiting the Cleveland Orchestra: "I loved it! Did ...

By |December 13, 2017|Categories: blog, Parenting|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Things My Kids Say #4

Stuff My Kids Say #3

I've continued collecting some of the things my kids say. Kids may drive us crazy sometimes, but there is no question they keep life interesting. For perspective: Caleb- Age 8  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless 1.We want our kids to know they're smart, talented, good-looking and loved. So, at dinner one night I was joking around and said about Jess:  David (to Jess):  You're smart, talented, pretty, loved....and you have the best husband in the world. Caleb: You're not the best husband in the world. You are the 50th best husband. David: What? Who ...

By |November 17, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life, Parenting|Tags: , , , , |10 Comments
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