Who Are Our Closest Friends?

As I held the phone my chest was tight, clenching my teeth waiting for my brother to respond. I tried explaining why I had not adequately planned nor expressed my desire to see him over a week-long beach vacation near his house. Reasons raced through my mind as I felt misunderstood and small. My brother exhaled slowly and deliberately, like he could feel the swell of a wave from deep within, and was determining whether he should let it roll and crash or try to push it back down to the dark. I could tell this was suddenly about more ...

How to Have Hard Conversations

It’s happens to everyone. Your friend is always late. You know your co-worker or friend is mad at you. Your spouse never remembers to pick up their clothes or put the lid back on the toothpaste. When these things happen, you are faced with the inevitable decision- do I bring these infractions to their attention, or not? Many times we choose to wait, hoping time alone, will fix the problem. But, it almost never does. A Little Weird I have always struggled when there’s relational disharmony in my life. If I’m mad at someone, or know someone’s mad at me, ...

By |October 24, 2015|Categories: blog, discipleship, Leadership, Life|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment
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