Stuff My Kids Say #2

Over the last while I've continued collecting some of the stuff my kids say. Kids may drive us crazy sometimes, but there is no question they keep life interesting. For perspective: Caleb- Age 7  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless "It's not how they say it, it really is what they say" 1. Quiz: What does Micah call this? Answer: "Basketball Poop!" Every time we see one, he's sure to call out, "Look basketball poop!"   2. We were going to the doctor the other day and Logan was worried about having to get ...

By |July 21, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life, Parenting|Tags: , , , |5 Comments

Stuff My Kids Say

Stuff My Kids Say Kids are a lot like salt. Salt can take almost any boring food and make it taste better and more interesting.  When you have kids your day is never boring. Exhausting? Yes. But never boring. Over the last few weeks I've been keeping track of some of the weird things my kids say and I thought I'd share. For perspective: Caleb- Age 7  Logan- Age 5 Micah- Age 2  Dad- Hard to say Wife- Ageless The Weird Things We Say: 1. Dad: "Micah, please take the fork out of your eye." 2. Dad: "Logan, please don't ...

By |April 21, 2015|Categories: blog, humor, Life|Tags: , , , , , |10 Comments
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