How to Discover Your Story

When I was in grad school one of my classes had us do this exercise. I found it so helpful and insightful that I thought I'd share. First take a piece and draw a large rectangle, covering most of the page. On the left side write, "born", and on the right side write, "now". Then by the top of the left vertical line write, "good", and on the bottom write, "bad." Now, plot your life up to this point. You can start by making dots representing the major high points and low points of your life. This can include things ...

By |May 12, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership, Life, personality, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , |Comments Off on How to Discover Your Story

On Getting the Mail

As a short follow up to my last post about an interesting piece of mail I received (You can read it here), I wanted to follow up with a little mail workout you could try at home. Like most Americans I appreciate the extra exercise I receive from retrieving the mail daily. If you’re looking to shed an extra .1 lb., feel free to follow my simple daily routine.* Step 1: Walk outside and retrieve mail (for that extra burn, walk quickly) Step 2: Walk inside and towards nearest trash can (Consider choosing a farther away trash can to shed that ...

By |February 10, 2015|Categories: blog, humor|Tags: , , |Comments Off on On Getting the Mail
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