Why People with Small Children Don’t Write Devotionals

The First Step… I admit my life can be a little crazy. It includes 3 young kids, coaching two soccer teams, my wife and I leading two separate groups, each having full time jobs, meetings, etc., etc. I console myself with the fact that this craziness will only last a season- although that season will continue for another 15 years! As my wife and I compare weekly schedules, I’ll look towards our 2 year old and joke, ‘Well, the good news is there will soon be one more kid's activities to add into the mix!" The Problem I’ve recently read two books ...

By |November 3, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , |3 Comments

How to Have Hard Conversations

It’s happens to everyone. Your friend is always late. You know your co-worker or friend is mad at you. Your spouse never remembers to pick up their clothes or put the lid back on the toothpaste. When these things happen, you are faced with the inevitable decision- do I bring these infractions to their attention, or not? Many times we choose to wait, hoping time alone, will fix the problem. But, it almost never does. A Little Weird I have always struggled when there’s relational disharmony in my life. If I’m mad at someone, or know someone’s mad at me, ...

By |October 24, 2015|Categories: blog, discipleship, Leadership, Life|Tags: , , , , |1 Comment

4 Steps to Using Your Past for God

The R.E.M. song is true- everybody hurts. Everyone has a story of some storm they’ve been through in life. I’m on a team teaching a class right now called GIFTED and this past week we talked about how God can use our experiences. Everyone worked though an exercise where they charted their biggest life experiences. (I’ll share the exercise in another post.) As people sat there, examining their life on paper, we explained that God can use your life experiences. Your greatest passions probably stem from the biggest moments of your life, this includes your moments of joy, but also ...

By |April 27, 2015|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on 4 Steps to Using Your Past for God
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