Discipleship is Not About Do’s and Don’ts

When you think about discipleship, what comes to mind? I’ve been searching extensively online for great questions to get amazing faith discussions going but have become disappointed. Everything I found online about great discipleship questions fell into two categories.  1. Articles describing how important discipleship is (but not explaining how to do it). 2. A list of intense questions, often including, “How many times did you sin this week?” As I read intense list of after intense list I realized it bothered me and I think I know why.   The process of discipleship is never about a list of do’s ...

10 Simple Discipleship Questions

I've been meeting with a few guys recently and so wanted to come up with one good question we could discuss each week. I feel like we've had some amazing discussions thus far, discussing God and sharing our lives. I love that one question gives us freedom to talk about life. It feels natural and not like we're trying to "check questions off a list." Note: I do want to be honest that I just came up with these questions and I'm only a few weeks into using them. But, I thought I'd share my process in case it'll be helpful to ...

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