7 Simple Questions to Begin a Small Group (with free download)

As we began our yearly preparations for small group to begin about a year ago, I began to feel bad about how many times I had to e-mail our leaders for their group info. It felt like I was bugging our leaders- which I never want to do. Finally, I decided to sit down and figure out all the info I needed so I could ask them in one easy step.  After I received their info, I made a simple excel sheet to find out where there are holes and could easily follow up. As I'm working through this process ...

3 Things Jesus Calls Us To

Thanks to Mike Carlisle for collaborating on this post. http://radicaltreeoflife.blogspot.com God asks His followers to commit completely to following Him and there's only one other type of relationship on earth that can be compared to that level of commitment: marriage. There are 3 things that Jesus calls us to that are similar to the commitment of marriage. (1 and 2 won't make sense until you understand 3.) 1. An Exclusive Relationship: You can't say you love your spouse and have a boyfriend/girlfriend on the side. In your commitment to marriage, your committing to love and pour all your affection into ...

By |July 8, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, Leadership, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on 3 Things Jesus Calls Us To
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