We are All Trump

As the sun slowly rises on a country where president-elect Donald Trump now waits to receive his crown, I am thinking about the nation of Israel in the Bible. For many years the Israelites were ruled by God and directed by His prophets. A man named Samuel was God’s main voice to the nation for many years. But, as he aged he put his sons in charge and, “(t)hey turned aside after dishonest gain and accepted bribes and perverted justice” (1 Sam. 8:3). In reaction to this apparent injustice, the nation of Israel asked for a king like the other ...

How Would Jesus Vote?

I would not consider myself into politics. As a pastor for the last 7 years, I try to avoid the topic like an elevator full of adults where someone passed gas. Everyone knows it stinks, but no one wants to bring it up. But, I can’t help myself. I’ve watched almost every single primary debate. The bachelor wishes it had as much drama as these presidential debates. And I’m apparently not alone. A recent Fox news debate drew in 24 million people, more than the NBA Finals and more than the Women’s World Cup Final. Besides the amazing mic-dropping drama, ...

By |February 28, 2016|Categories: blog|Tags: , , , , , , , , , |3 Comments
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