What Your Church Sign Says About You

About a month ago my family was on vacation in a small town in Michigan. Wherever we go I tend to notice churches and predict it's personality from what I see on the outside. So, as we drove through this quaint town, I couldn't help but notice 3 church signs and so thought I'd discuss what a church sign is potentially saying.  Sign #1: This Church is Prayer Conditioned I appreciate the use of attempted humor in this sign, but question its intended purpose. I can't help but wonder to whom this sign is directed and why. Is it the non-Christian looking ...

By |September 23, 2016|Categories: blog, church|Tags: , , , , , , |Comments Off on What Your Church Sign Says About You

The Weird Dreams We Have: David and the Angry Terrier

Weird Dreams: I have this weird dream I’d like to confess. I love dogs and after having to give away our dog a few years ago, I’d eventually love to own another. But, because of all the downsides of dog ownership, like actually having to care for the dog, I’m not pushing to purchase one anytime soon. But, I have this dream. I’m pulling in my driveway and a dog randomly walks up to me, kind of like God is specifically sending me a dog. I take it home and it turns out to be the best dog ever! It ...

By |May 3, 2016|Categories: blog, discipleship, humor, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on The Weird Dreams We Have: David and the Angry Terrier

Top 5 Posts of 2015

I had a blast blogging this past year and hope to blog even more in the coming year. I thought I'd share the top 5 most viewed posts from this previous year. 5. The Prayer that Changed My Life Forever I decided to share what I remember about saying goodbye to my dad in third grade. This was definitely an emotional post for me to write. I had a counseling appointment in grad school that changed how I viewed my dad's death forever and shared about it in this post. 4. Stuff My Kids Say #3 I began writing down ...

By |January 2, 2016|Categories: blog, humor, Life, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Top 5 Posts of 2015

How Leading a Team is a Lot Like Cross-Country

I was never very good at cross-country in high school. Any time my picture was taken during a race, I looked like I was passing a kidney stone or had been kicked in the face repeatedly. I may never have won a race, but did learn a thing or two about running one. In any race, you have to pace yourself. You can’t sprint the entire time and must know when to push a little harder and when to rest. It’s the same with leading a great group or team. There’s a time to plant and push and a time to ...

5 Music Videos Every Christian Needs to See

Remember what it was like to feel far from God? I was talking with a friend recently who described feeling like "something" was missing from his life. For some people it's a distant memory while for others it's a daily reality. The truth is, the further we get from the time we felt  far from God, the easier it is to forget what it was like. Every once in a while a song comes out that immediately makes me remember. If you're a Christian, I hope the messages in these 5 songs will help you remember that everyday people are searching for.....something. ...

By |December 5, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Spiritual Growth, video|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on 5 Music Videos Every Christian Needs to See

Friedrich Nietzsche Helped Me Believe in Jesus

I remember walking out of a Philosophy class one day during college and feeling like my head was going to explode. Our class had spent the previous hour arguing against the existence of God and the ability to truly know anything at all. It's always an interesting adventure for a Christian to have to argue against the existence of God which I had to do that day and gave the exercise everything I had. After class I walked into the school cafeteria, sat down with some friends and said, "Please tell me that God exists." That happened numerous times that semester ...

Is It Possible to Do Good?

I’m not sure I’ve ever done a truly selfless thing in my life. I’ve served in Haiti, helped the homeless, visited the sick, taken out the trash without being asked, and yes, even helped a little old lady cross the street. (I’m not 100% I’ve done that last one- but you get the idea.) I find that every time I attempt to make some significant stride for God, I’m conflicted. There’s a part of me wanting to serve because I want to see great things done for God. But, there’s another part wanting to serve because it’ll make me feel ...

By |November 15, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Service, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on Is It Possible to Do Good?

free thank you ecards- to thank your volunteers

In order to help thank your volunteers, I found 3 sites you can use to send them thank you ecards. All you have to do is tell them the person's name and e-mail address where you'd like to send the card and they'll do the rest. A little thanks goes a long way.    Here's the best site I found: http://www.kisseo.com/ecard/thank-you This one has more animation: http://ecards.hallmarkcards.com.au/ecards/thank-you This one has a lot of options, including animation: http://www.123greetings.com/thank_you/everyday/

By |November 10, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Leadership|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on free thank you ecards- to thank your volunteers

The Marriage Challenge

Maybe you always thought the first marriage was a match made in heaven. You thought Adam and Eve were a picture of perfection in paradise. For a time that may have been true. But then, as they disobeyed God, and sin began to infect everyone and everything- something happened. Adam and Eve had marriage problems. Adam blamed Eve for eating the forbidden fruit. But, when Eve was faced with great temptation, Adam was nowhere to be found. They were selfish, only worrying about themselves in front of God. And as both Adam and Eve listened to voices other than God, their relationship ...

By |October 31, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Life, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on The Marriage Challenge

An Equation to Determine Group Health

Below are some numbers you can use after people sign up for your group to determine if you have enough people. (You may not know the people who signed up for your group, but may be able to work with your group coach or staff to see if others may know them.)   Here's an equation you can use to calculate your potential group health. (Include yourself) For each committed couple you have in your group give yourself: 3 points For each committed individual (not couple) you have in your group, give yourself: 2 points For each non-committed couple you have in your group ...

By |October 15, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Small Group, Spiritual Growth|Tags: , , , , , , , , , , |Comments Off on An Equation to Determine Group Health
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