As a Christian, how do you reconcile the many horrific things done by and in the name of the Church historically with your faith?

I spend some time answering questions on various sites and I thought I'd share a question I recently answered: As a Christian, how do you reconcile the many horrific things done by and in the name of the Church historically with your faith? The Crusades, the Inquisition, patterns of systematic child abuse by various clergy. The Biblical allowance of slavery, oppression of women, intolerance of other faiths and peoples. So much of the history of the Church and what it has (and does) stand for appears so un-Christian. My Answer: I reconcile them the same way that, as a parent, ...

By |August 31, 2016|Categories: blog, church|Tags: , , , , , |Comments Off on As a Christian, how do you reconcile the many horrific things done by and in the name of the Church historically with your faith?
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