On Getting the Mail

As a short follow up to my last post about an interesting piece of mail I received (You can read it here), I wanted to follow up with a little mail workout you could try at home.

Like most Americans I appreciate the extra exercise I receive from retrieving the mail daily. If you’re looking to shed an extra .1 lb., feel free to follow my simple daily routine.*

Step 1: Walk outside and retrieve mail (for that extra burn, walk quickly)
Step 2: Walk inside and towards nearest trash can (Consider choosing a farther away trash can to shed that extra calorie)
Step 3: Take a deep breath and allow all hope that you received something cool to drain from your body
Step 4: Extend arms over trash and give each parcel a quick look as you drop it to it’s final resting place
Step 5: Lift back up that one or two pieces you tell yourself you’ll look at later and so place on some counter top you’ve recently decided will be your “look at later” mail spot on top of the growing pile of mail you’ll never look at again.
Step 6: Great job! Repeat daily.

The best part of this daily routine is that you can do it with no stretching, sweating, or really any muscle strain at all. It’s great for beginners and experts, young and old. On top of all this you really have to do it or your mail would pile up. If your mail begins to pile up people will think your house is abandoned and steal your copper pipes. So, to keep people from stealing your copper pipes, you need to get your mail everyday.

*Individual results may vary. Please consult your doctor before performing this or any other exercise. 

If you like this, keep an eye out for future exercise programs from David like: 
– Getting something from the fridge
– Walking to the car
– Turning on the t.v.
– Doing the dishes