Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks?

I worked at Starbucks for almost 3 years and absolutely loved it. I worked in the drive thru and opened most mornings. I would get to the store at 4:15 in the morning and we would open at 5. Our goal at Starbucks was to give each customer a “Legendary” experience. We didn’t want to just be nice or kind to customers, we wanted to connect with each one in a legendary way.

This idea meant a lot to me. It’s why I had too much energy every morning at 5:00am when I would greet the customers. It’s why I wanted to make each drink to the best of my ability, and why I tried to memorize as many customer’s names/drinks as possible. At one point I knew the first 6-7 customers in a row through the drive thru. I learned their names like it was my job! (It kind of was though) I tried to connect with them every morning and add energy and value to their morning. I’d encourage them to have a good day and be energetic as I handed them their drink. That’s legendary service, and it mattered to me!

Here’s the thing. If people who work for Starbucks are that motivated to make people coffee at 5 in the morning, how should we view church and the ways we volunteer there? At Starbucks a legendary experience might mean that person has a good day and will become a repeat customer. In our churches, a legendary experience might mean a person who has felt far from God all their life could believe for the first time that God loves them. They could find hope and healing, and feel loved and wanted. It could literally change their lives forever. And if a mom or dad reconnect with God, that means their kids will now grow up knowing Him too and generations will be affected in a positive way!

If you’re scheduled to serve somewhere in church, don’t just be nice- be legendary! Show up on time and ready to add energy and value to people’s day. Prepare to learn people’s names and connect with them. Go the extra mile. If you’re not serving “officially” in your church one morning- you’re still on the clock. How you react to the people you don’t know (whether their brand new or not) affects people’s view of the church, and ultimately of God. You have the power to either give a new person a legendary experience, or play a role through your inaction, in creating an unfriendly experience they’d rather forget.

Comparing Experiences:Nice vs. Legendary 3

How to give people a “Legendary” experience on Sunday morning:

  • Talk to them
  • Be friendly and smile, and again, talk to people you don’t know
  • If you see a person who’s new, introduce yourself to them and go out of your way to help them.
  • Invite new people into your friend circle. Don’t just be nice on Sunday, invite new people you meet into your circle. Invite them over for dinner, out to a movie, anything.
  • If you go to church, don’t just be an attender or consumer, be part owner. Owners care about a customer’s experience. Whether you’re “on the clock” serving or not, connect with the people around you. That’s legendary.