Dear Velocity…

Dear Velocity Pic

Dear Velocity,

I want to thank you for the honor and joy of serving with you over these last 7 years. It’s hard to believe this Sunday will be my last as a staff member of Velocity. 

I remember the first time Scott sat in my living room sharing his vision for a new church. It would be a place broken people who felt far from God would feel loved and reconnect with their heavenly father. This church would not only change the way people thought about God, but also impact the city- because Jesus did not come to be served, but to serve. This dream became a reality in Velocity. I’ll forever carry memories of what God has done (and is doing) through this amazing church.

I remember riding through neighborhoods in an old ice cream truck we rented. It was held together by duct tape and sounded like it was about to explode. We slowly rode street by street, giving free ice cream to children. You never really know what’s going on in someone’s life. So, when I saw the surprised look on their small faces, finding out it was free, I remember thinking to myself, “This is why the church exists!” It’s why we shovel driveways and rake leaves, give out backpacks, rent inflatables, and hand out countless free hot dogs- so that a church can let people know how much God loves them. I’m so proud of that.

I will always remember brainstorming video ideas for Sunday morning and sooner or later someone would say, “Yes, but if David was in a dress and wig it would be even funnier.” I hate that wig and hope it dies. But, I love that Velocity is a church that loves to laugh, even if it is at me in a dress.

I love the growing diversity at Velocity. You may not realize this, but it’s not normal. Velocity is filled with young and old, those who are well-off, and those in deep need. There’s something special about seeing people of different races and backgrounds worship together on a Sunday morning.

Whether it’s our service, diversity, or welcoming environment, there’s something special happening at Velocity. Visiting other churches, it’s surprising how many leaders have heard about what’s happening here. It seems so normal to us, but other churches can’t believe we have done so much with so little. They can’t believe our access to the school system and how closely we work with our city. They can’t believe a few hundred  can host events that serve thousands.

As I prepare for my last Sunday as a staff member of Velocity, I just want you to know how much I love you. I’m so thankful for each of you. You are, and will continue to be, my friends and family. I especially appreciate Scott and Vanessa’s support and friendship through this decision. I’m excited for what God has next for this church because there are cities all over Cleveland that need a church just like Velocity.

I’m also excited for what God has next for my family. I’ll begin a Masters of Management and Leadership, February 1st. I’m very thankful for my wife, who is working full time right now as I head to school. As I begin we’ll slowly figure out what’s next for me. I’m hoping to take everything I’ve learned thus far and continue serving the church. That’s the plan anyways. God promises to illuminate our path, but only one step at a time. So, with that we head out, onto the path laid out before us, one step at a time.

Thank you for your support and continued friendship,

David Thorne

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