Celebrating 1500 views- Here’s the top 5 most viewed posts!

We recently hit 1500 views for refuelblog. I thought it’d be fun to celebrate by sharing the top 5 most viewed posts thus far.

#5. 4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups (Here)
We always like to say, “There’s a lot of reasons people don’t go to church and a lot of them are the church’s fault.” Well, I think there’s a lot of reasons guys don’t like groups and a lot of them are our fault. We can change that.  Act_of_Valor2


#4. Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks (Here)
I love Starbucks and loved everything it taught me about church while working there. I think there’s a lot the church can learn about creating a “legendary” experience for people.starbucks_logo_01


#3. 6 Different Types of Small Groups (Here)
I’ve spent a lot of time recently thinking about our church’s discipleship process. It really helped to go over the different types of groups out there as I re-looked at what’s best for us. (On a personal note, I think that picture of Beeker is hilarious.)  Beeker 3


#2. “Christianese”: Not Suitable for Small Group (Here)
If there’s one “pet peeve” I’ve developed over the last few years, it’s “Christianese”. Sometimes Christians speak their own-weird language. The worst part is we don’t know what half the stuff we’re saying even means.  How to Speak Christianese

Drum roll please….drumroll

#1. 5 Ways My 9 Month Old is Like a Puppy (Here)
For whatever reason, this post generated the most views of all my posts thus far. One day as I was picking up pieces of some toy he had chewed and destroyed it hit me that he was a lot like a puppy. IMG_2075


Thanks so much for our first 1,500 views, it’s a blast to share ideas each week about groups, church, and leadership.

Spiderman high five