Video: Shallow Small Group

I guess there really is a group for everyone. lol   Also check out:

By |June 6, 2014|Categories: blog, humor, Small Group, video|2 Comments

Video: What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group?

You never know who's going to walk in the door of your small group. Be ready to care for anyone who walks in your door.

By |May 30, 2014|Categories: blog, church, discipleship, Groups, humor, Small Group, video|Tags: , |3 Comments

Video: Would You Let These Guys Lead a Small Group?

Fun Friday: Each Friday I'm going to share a funny or interesting video I've found online. Most will relate to small groups, but some might be about church in general. Would you let these guys lead a small group? I love that God uses normal people to do cool things. If God could use the guys in this video, He can use you as a small group leader.

By |May 23, 2014|Categories: blog, church, Groups, humor, Small Group, video|Tags: , , , , |2 Comments
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