Jack Bauer of the Bible- Part 1
24 has been one of my favorite t.v. shows over the last few years and if there's one dude in the Bible who resembles Jack Bauer- it's Elijah. His life plays out just like a summer blockbuster movie. I've loved learning about the God of Elijah and I hope you will also. Listen to the first two parts of our 4 week sermon series below to find out more. This is a dude's dude! Epic (The Story of Elijah)- Week 1 (Is God trustworthy?) Epic (The Story of Elijah)- Week 2 (How far will God go for His kids?) If you ...
3 Things Jesus Calls Us To
Thanks to Mike Carlisle for collaborating on this post. http://radicaltreeoflife.blogspot.com God asks His followers to commit completely to following Him and there's only one other type of relationship on earth that can be compared to that level of commitment: marriage. There are 3 things that Jesus calls us to that are similar to the commitment of marriage. (1 and 2 won't make sense until you understand 3.) 1. An Exclusive Relationship: You can't say you love your spouse and have a boyfriend/girlfriend on the side. In your commitment to marriage, your committing to love and pour all your affection into ...
15 Greatest Movie Mentors (and 3 Things that made them Great)
In any movie, if you're working towards winning a goal, there's always a great coach right next to you, pushing you along. Below are 15 of the greatest coaches from movies. I came up with 3 things that made these guys great and listed them at the bottom. Maybe you can come up with more. 15. Coach Gordon Bombay (Emilio Estevez) The Mighty Ducks https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZyVF1glhAfk 14. Coach Irv (John Candy): Cool Runnings http://youtu.be/aaov7DNICPg 13. Pai Mei: Kill Bill https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETTsJggQl3I 12. Coach Herb Brooks (Kurt Russell): Miracle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwpTj_Z9v-c 11. Frankie Dunn (Clint Eastwood): Million Dollar Baby https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D-69fLBlLQY 10. Coach Norman Dale (Gene Hackman): Hoosiers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CDJS9rFGCHE 9. Coach ...
Discipleship is Not About Do’s and Don’ts
When you think about discipleship, what comes to mind? I’ve been searching extensively online for great questions to get amazing faith discussions going but have become disappointed. Everything I found online about great discipleship questions fell into two categories. 1. Articles describing how important discipleship is (but not explaining how to do it). 2. A list of intense questions, often including, “How many times did you sin this week?” As I read intense list of after intense list I realized it bothered me and I think I know why. The process of discipleship is never about a list of do’s ...
10 Simple Discipleship Questions
I've been meeting with a few guys recently and so wanted to come up with one good question we could discuss each week. I feel like we've had some amazing discussions thus far, discussing God and sharing our lives. I love that one question gives us freedom to talk about life. It feels natural and not like we're trying to "check questions off a list." Note: I do want to be honest that I just came up with these questions and I'm only a few weeks into using them. But, I thought I'd share my process in case it'll be helpful to ...
Video: Kindergarten Faith
How do we develop a passion to grow- in ourselves and our people? Think about the alternative! http://youtu.be/6bIf6QD4GFg
Top 7 Reasons People Attend Groups
Imagine I started a small group dedicated to “games.” I saw there were about 7 other people signed up and was excited about the first night of group! Before people arrived our first night, I set up 4 chess boards (in case we had an extra person), and snacks to munch on during our games. The doorbell rang and as I opened the door I was greeted by a man wearing a full wizard costume, ready to play some live-action role playing game. Right behind him was a girl carrying an Xbox controller and video game. Behind her was a ...
Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 2 (Ministry)
Seriously, when you start thinking about the emotional bank account concept - it changes everything! I’d like to connect the dots and share how understanding this concept can influence a few specific areas of your life- I'll start with ministry. How the Emotional Bank Account Affects Ministry: I would say that almost 80% of my job is asking people to do things. It’s true a lot of the time people are asking me for help to find a way to serve, or signing up for a specific way they’d like to serve. But, if I don’t keep in mind my emotional ...
Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 1
Has anyone asked you for a favor and everything inside screams, “NOOoo!” Sometimes you ignore that and still say yes, but it almost makes you feel sick to your stomach (It's a struggle). I’ve thought a lot over the past few years about how this situation happens and tried to figure out how to prevent it. One day I read something that’s changed everything! It affects how I now view my relationships, my work, and really most every area of my life. It’s given me language to describe how to be a better leader, friend, co-worker, and family member. (I'll ...
Celebrating 1500 views- Here’s the top 5 most viewed posts!
We recently hit 1500 views for refuelblog. I thought it'd be fun to celebrate by sharing the top 5 most viewed posts thus far. #5. 4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups (Here) We always like to say, "There's a lot of reasons people don't go to church and a lot of them are the church's fault." Well, I think there's a lot of reasons guys don't like groups and a lot of them are our fault. We can change that. #4. Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks (Here) I love Starbucks and loved everything it taught me about ...