Video: What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group?
You never know who's going to walk in the door of your small group. Be ready to care for anyone who walks in your door.
Celebrating 1500 views- Here’s the top 5 most viewed posts!
We recently hit 1500 views for refuelblog. I thought it'd be fun to celebrate by sharing the top 5 most viewed posts thus far. #5. 4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups (Here) We always like to say, "There's a lot of reasons people don't go to church and a lot of them are the church's fault." Well, I think there's a lot of reasons guys don't like groups and a lot of them are our fault. We can change that. #4. Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks (Here) I love Starbucks and loved everything it taught me about ...
Video: Would You Let These Guys Lead a Small Group?
Fun Friday: Each Friday I'm going to share a funny or interesting video I've found online. Most will relate to small groups, but some might be about church in general. Would you let these guys lead a small group? I love that God uses normal people to do cool things. If God could use the guys in this video, He can use you as a small group leader.
8 videos to celebrate moms (Mr. T. Raps)
If you're in a group, there's a pretty good chance that most people in your group have a mother. So, why not celebrate! And every celebration's a little better with Mr. T. rapping from the 80's. And here's a few more....
Top 10 Teams on T.V.
For any group to reach its potential, a leader has to understand his strengths and weaknesses. He also has to value the strengths and weaknesses of those on his team. For example, I was just playing t-ball with my sons and we lost a ball in the neighbors yard. I could figure out how a person could retrieve the ball, and my 4 year old was just the right size to sneak under a bush and through a fence to actually get it. Yay 4 year olds! When we each used our strengths, t-ball could continue. In light of recent ...