Video: “The Office” Small Group
Every group has a few "personalities". This group has a few more than normal. If you've seen "The Office", you'll better appreciate where this parody is coming from. Here's a few videos from the original "The Office". Also check out these posted videos about groups: Shallow Small Group What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group Would You Let These Guys Lead a Group?
Top 7 Reasons People Attend Groups
Imagine I started a small group dedicated to “games.” I saw there were about 7 other people signed up and was excited about the first night of group! Before people arrived our first night, I set up 4 chess boards (in case we had an extra person), and snacks to munch on during our games. The doorbell rang and as I opened the door I was greeted by a man wearing a full wizard costume, ready to play some live-action role playing game. Right behind him was a girl carrying an Xbox controller and video game. Behind her was a ...
Video: Shallow Small Group
I guess there really is a group for everyone. lol Also check out:
Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 2 (Ministry)
Seriously, when you start thinking about the emotional bank account concept - it changes everything! I’d like to connect the dots and share how understanding this concept can influence a few specific areas of your life- I'll start with ministry. How the Emotional Bank Account Affects Ministry: I would say that almost 80% of my job is asking people to do things. It’s true a lot of the time people are asking me for help to find a way to serve, or signing up for a specific way they’d like to serve. But, if I don’t keep in mind my emotional ...
Emotional Bank Accounts Changed My Life: Part 1
Has anyone asked you for a favor and everything inside screams, “NOOoo!” Sometimes you ignore that and still say yes, but it almost makes you feel sick to your stomach (It's a struggle). I’ve thought a lot over the past few years about how this situation happens and tried to figure out how to prevent it. One day I read something that’s changed everything! It affects how I now view my relationships, my work, and really most every area of my life. It’s given me language to describe how to be a better leader, friend, co-worker, and family member. (I'll ...
Video: What if Darth Vader Joined Your Small Group?
You never know who's going to walk in the door of your small group. Be ready to care for anyone who walks in your door.
Celebrating 1500 views- Here’s the top 5 most viewed posts!
We recently hit 1500 views for refuelblog. I thought it'd be fun to celebrate by sharing the top 5 most viewed posts thus far. #5. 4 Ways to Help Guys Love Groups (Here) We always like to say, "There's a lot of reasons people don't go to church and a lot of them are the church's fault." Well, I think there's a lot of reasons guys don't like groups and a lot of them are our fault. We can change that. #4. Is Your Church Better Than Starbucks (Here) I love Starbucks and loved everything it taught me about ...
6 Different Types of Small Groups
I’ve been thinking a lot about discipleship recently and looking at how different churches develop their people. At the core of most churches discipleship program is some sort of small group. So, I’d like to briefly go over 6 different types of groups churches use to disciple their people. To make sure we’re on the same page I’ll define “small group” as any group of less than 50 that meet for the purpose of discipleship (becoming more like Jesus) and relationship. 6 Different Types of Groups: 1. Ongoing, multiplying: The goal of these groups is to grow and eventually multiply ...
Video: Would You Let These Guys Lead a Small Group?
Fun Friday: Each Friday I'm going to share a funny or interesting video I've found online. Most will relate to small groups, but some might be about church in general. Would you let these guys lead a small group? I love that God uses normal people to do cool things. If God could use the guys in this video, He can use you as a small group leader.
4 Benefits of Small Group Breaks
I love that God worked for 6 days and then rested. He didn't need rest- He's God. But, He chose to rest, partially to set us an example. We see the same thing in our week. Monday through Friday- we work, But, then it's Friday and we look forward to the weekend. In the last year our church moved from year long groups to more semester-based groups. We have a fall semester, spring semester and are trying to figure out what to do with the summer. Between each semester we take a break. I recently read an article outlining ...