Top 5 Posts of 2015


I had a blast blogging this past year and hope to blog even more in the coming year. I thought I’d share the top 5 most viewed posts from this previous year.

5. The Prayer that Changed My Life Forever
I decided to share what I remember about saying goodbye to my dad in third grade. This was definitely an emotional post for me to write. I had a counseling appointment in grad school that changed how I viewed my dad’s death forever and shared about it in this post.

4. Stuff My Kids Say #3
I began writing down funny things my kids say a while ago. When I compiled enough of a list I’ve been sharing them in blog posts. Here was my third list.

3. Stuff My Kids Say 
This was the first post I write about funny things my kids say.

2. Why People with Small Children Don’t Write Devotionals 
I was reading a few books on becoming a healthy leader and realized some of the things the authors were asking me to do would be very difficult for another 18 years- while I will be a living soccer taxi for my children. So, I sat down and reflected on realistic spiritual growth for the rest of us. I hope to write more about this subject in the coming year.

1. The Most Awkward Text I Ever Received 

Have you ever had a moment in your life where you found yourself saying, “No way that just happened!”? This was one of those moments for me and I wrote about it for your viewing pleasure. It was by far the most viewed blog post of the entire year.

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