3 Questions Every Volunteer Asks

The moment someone signs up to serve on a team, the clock begins to tick. With every passing moment initial interest in your team begins to fade. So, the question is, how do you capture new volunteers and turn them into a fully engaged member of your team? On Ramp


When someone signs up for your team, the most important thing you can do is communicate with them! Call them and introduce yourself. Also try to introduce yourself in person so you each have a face to go with a name. Communicate how your team works, the process to get involved, and what you expect them to do next.

The 3 Questions Every Volunteer Asks

Going a little deeper, there are 3 questions every volunteer asks when joining a team. Your ability to answer these questions for new team members will make all the difference in helping them feel connected.

The questions:

  1. Why does this team exist? People want to know the job they’re doing is important. Connect their specific task to the bigger picture of your organization.
  2. What do you want me to do? People also want to know what’s required of them. What should they expect the first time they show up to serve? Make sure they’re well trained and prepared. Can they shadow you before being off on their own? Training and preparation can help create confidence, which will help people more easily enjoy their job.
  3. Will my investment matter? Before I decide your team is worth the investment of my time, energy, and attention, I need to know if those things will be valued. The more I share and the more those ideas are valued and contribute to change, the more I’ll give to your team.

Personal Investment Graphic

What do you need to do NEXT for your team?