11 Laws of Having a Meeting (#’s 6-11)

We’ll continue our discussion on the laws of having a meeting. If you missed the first post, click here

 Setting a Meeting Agenda

6. People are looking for CONNECTION as much as information.
The more your team knows and enjoys each other, the better the chance they’ll prioritize attending meetings.

7. Start within 5 MINUTES, end ON TIME.
Start within 5 minutes of your scheduled start time to respect those who came on time. If you start any later, those who are already there will wish they were late and will be next time. ALWAYS end on time! When you set a meeting time, people believe you’ll follow through. If your 8 pm meeting goes to 8:15 consistently, people will stop coming because they won’t be sure what time they’ll be home.

8. Increase BUY IN.
As a team leader, don’t assume you always have the best ideas. People on your team are smart. Allow for discussion and make room for your team to help you solve team problems. The more your team feels ownership and responsibility, the more they’ll care and be willing to give towards the team.

9. Work yourself out of a JOB.
Your first job as team leader is to think about other leaders you can develop to slowly work yourself out of a job. Leaders develop other leaders. When facing an upcoming decision, talk it over with one or two potential leaders from your team.

10. Have a meeting PLAN.
The better you plan your time, the more effective your time will be. If you have an opening game or question, how long will it take? Watch the time. If something’s taking too long, move on. Here’s a potential meeting plan you can use:

Typical Meeting Agenda

  • Introductions if there are new people
  • Small game or fun opening question (How as everyone’s week, etc.)
  • Thank people for coming
  • Cast Vision (Why your team exists, why it matters)
  • Teaching/ Interactive question
  • Action Step
  • Close

11. ACTION step.
What’s the one point you want people to go home with or step you want them to take after the meeting?

Take away: What’s the one thing you need to do next with your team ?