Top 5 Posts of 2014

I started this blog a little over a year ago to share my thoughts on church, life, groups, and leadership. It also gives me an outlet to share some of the things that make me laugh. Since I began, I’ve looked forward to writing every single week. I thought I’d share the top 5 viewed posts of 2014. What’s your favorite? 

5. “Christianese”: Not Suitable for Small Group How to Speak Christianese

4. You’re Not a Robot: 7 Ways to Experience God I Robot 1

3. 5 Ways My 9 Month Old is Like a Puppy IMG_2075

2. 15 Animals Helping Other Animals some-of-helping-animals-006

And the winner for most viewed post of 2014 is……

1. 5 Secrets of the First Year of Marriage heres johnny copy 2

These are the most viewed posts of the year, but I have my own personal favorite. If My Dad Could See Me Now   I wrote this after my brother’s wedding this summer. I was reflecting on how far my brothers and I have come since my dad’s death over 25 years ago.   IMG_3124 

Thanks for following this year!