


  • 5 Things Wrong with This Church Sign

5 Things Wrong with This Church Sign

February 24, 2023|

I’ve been driving by a particular church sign for the past few weeks that's been driving me crazy. Every time I pass I consider my issues with the sign. I’ve finally decided to sit down ...

  • Top Advertising Phrases

Common Advertising Phrases that Mean Nothing

September 6, 2022|

Common Advertising Phrases that Mean Nothing Have you ever noticed how many of the phrases commonly used to advertise products mean nothing? Many common advertising phrases are meant to evoke emotion and make us feel ...

  • Defining Leadership

The Problem with Defining Leadership

March 11, 2022|

The Problem with Defining Leadership Defining leadership is difficult. It's kind of like defining love, friendship, or goodness. And similarly, there are almost as many definitions as there are people you may ask. One major ...

  • Blog: How to Get Church Volunteers Back After COVID

How to Get Church Volunteers Back After COVID-19

January 24, 2022|

Getting Church Volunteers Back after COVID Churches all across the country are struggling with volunteers. These challenges are caused by pandemic-related problems that have been present over the last two years. Most churches shut down ...

  • Dear Christian, It's OK to Celebrate Halloween

Dear Christian, It’s OK to Celebrate Halloween

September 19, 2021|

Christians and Halloween Confusion The holiday of Halloween conjures up different feelings for Christians across country. Some consider Halloween a fun time for kids to wear cute costumes and get free candy. It’s ...

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